Tag Archives: art

Positive Vibe – On art

“Art is the conversation between lovers,
Art offers an openning for the heart,
True art makes the divine silence in the divine silence in the soul …break into applause” – Hafez Sherazi
Converse with beauty…commune with nature…wake up your soul. Monir El Shazly


“Religions are meant for Peace” wins the grand prize

My photo, “Religions are meant for Peace” won the grand prize in “Peace in a Frame” international competition. http://www.peaceinaframe.com/
you can go and see a collection of my work at Sufi bookstore in Zamalek , and you can also check my website
Don’t forget to give me your feedback..:)

“Diaries of Sacred Journeys” exhibition



Reminder – Diaries of Sacred Journeys – Exhibition Opening today at 7PM

Reminder - Diaries of Sacred Journeys - Exhibition Opening today at 7PM

Reminding you of the opening of the exhibition. Tonight; 2nd of July at 7 PM
Looking forward to seeing you all

Monir El.Shazly


Art Vibe – Of Beauty and Art

Art Vibe - Of Beauty and Art

“Beauty is the summation of all parts, put together, so that there’s no need for alteration or subtraction” Elio Carletti
If you can’t see beauty in the world, look inside yourself for the reason why…
Monir El.Shazly

see you at my exhibition “Diaries of Sacred Journeys” – July 2nd is the opening

Diaries of Sacred Journeys


From Tahrir Sq. (during the revolution days and on the line of fire), to El Gilf El Kebeer ( on the boarders of Egypt, Sudan and Libya), to Thailand (where some of the most amazing gold plated Buddha temples exist)…and through St. Catherine (with an in-depth close ups of some of the amazing faces of Beduin children… scenes, diaries and special moments… as captured by the lens of Monir El.Shazly Place: Messa7a Culture Center -Messaha Sq. – MSA University Building -Dokki Date: July 2nd to July 10th. Opening on July 2nd at 7PM