Tag Archives: differences

Inspired Being – On differences

On differences!

“لقد خلقنا الله جميعًا على صورته، ومع ذلك فإننا جميعًا مختلفون ومميزون. لا يوجد شخصان متشابهان، ولا يخفق قلبان بنفس الإيقاع ، ولو أراد الله أن نكون متشابهين، لخلقنا متشابهين. لذلك، فإن عدم احترام الاختلافات وفرض أفكارك على الآخرين، يعني عدم احترام النظام المقدس الذي أرساه #الله”. – #شمس التبريزي

“We were all created in God’s image and yet we were each created different and #unique. No two people are alike. No two hearts beat to the same rhythm. If #God had wanted everyone to be the same, He would have made it so. Therefore disrespecting differences and imposing your #thoughts on others is disrespecting God’s holy scheme.” – #Shams of Tabriz

If you were to see God’s creation in everyone you meet… how would you be treating them?. #Monir El Shazly

Monir El Shazly

Inspired Being – On YOUR truth

“The #truth was a mirror in the hand of #God, then it fill and broke into millions of pieces, everyone held a piece and thought they have found the truth!” – #Rumi
You don’t know everything … #relax, embrace the differences, let go, and let God handle the details. #Monir El Shazly

And here’s an extra story

Some blind men were very anxious to see an elephant. So a kind man one day took them to see one. There, standing by its side, he said, “Now, here is the elephant, see what you can make of it.” Each one tried to make out by touch what the elephant looked like, and afterwards when they met together they began to discuss its appearance. One said, “It looks like the big pillar of a palace,” another said, “It looks like a fan.” And so they differed and discussed amongst one another, then they quarreled so much as to come to a hand-to-hand fight. Each one said, “I have seen it, I know what it is; I have touched it.” Then the man who took them to the elephant came and said, “You are every one of you right, but you have each seen only a part of the elephant.”

Your religion, your right and wrong…and your life…is only YOUR truth.

Monir El Shazly