Tag Archives: expectations

Inspired Being – af serenity, expectations and freedom

“Serenity comes when you trade #expectations for #acceptance.” ~Unknown
Set yourself #free!. Take off the load of expectations… and feel how #light you will be. #Monir El Shazly

Inspired Being – On unconditional love

“Unconditional #love does not measure, it just gives” – Mother #Teresa
When was the last time you truly loved… without #expectations?. #Monir El Shazly

Monir El Shazly

Positive Vibe – of earth and sun

“The earth would die if the sun stopped kissing her, even though the earth doesn’t have much to offer in return” – Hafez
Extend your kindness… without expectation. Monir El Shazly

Spiritual Vibe – Of possibilities and expectations

“Try and be a sheet of paper with nothing on it. Be a spot of ground where nothing is growing, where something might be planted, a seed, possibly, from the Absolute” – Rumi

Where there are no expectations, there is no disappointment, and all the possibilities are open. Monir El Shazly

Positive Vibe – on being SOMEBODY

“All my life I wanted to be somebody…
Now I’m finally somebody, but it isn’t me” NY times ad.
Free yourself! Listen to that voice inside you! you don’t need to live up to any image or expectation that were asked of you. Monir El Shazly

Positive Vibe – of Life and Giving

“We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.” ~Winston Churchill

And the truth is; the more we give, the more we get..but only if we give unconditionally . Monir El Shazly