Tag Archives: knowledge

Inspired Being – On falling upon God

On falling upon God !

“Pulling out the chair beneath your mind and watching you fall upon #God!
What else is there for #Hafez to do, that’s more #fun in this #world?” – Hafez

Let go of your attempts to know God with your mind, then you can really know God with your #heart!. #Monir El Shazly

Monir El Shazly

Inspired Being – On your INSIDE journey

On your #INSIDE #journey

“لا يوجد فرق بين الشرق والغرب، والجنوب والشمال. فمهما كانت وجهتك، يجب أن تجعل الرحلة التي تقوم به رحلة في داخلك. فإذا سافرت في داخلك ، فسيكون بوسعك اجتياز #العالم الشاسع وما وراءه” – #شمس التبريزي

“East, West, South or North makes little difference. No matter what your destination, just be sure to make every journey, a journey within. If you #travel within, you’ll travel the whole wide #world and beyond.” – #Shams of Tabriz

It is not traveling somewhere that will make your #life better; it is traveling inside yourself!. That #knowledge (coupled with acceptance ) will #change your whole life!. #Monir El Shazly

Monir El Shazly

Between talking, listening and knowing

” He who knows does not speak!” – #Lao_Tzu , ” #Tao te Ching”
The more you #speak, the less you #know! #Listen. #Monir El Shazly

Monir El Shazly

Between talking, listening and knowing

” He who knows does not speak!” – #Lao_Tzu , ” #Tao te Ching”
The more you #speak, the less you #know! #Listen. #Monir El Shazly

Monir El Shazly

Inspired Being – On what the heart knows

“As one can see when the eyes are open, so one can understand when the #heart is open” – Inayat Khan
Don’t let your #mind cloud what your heart knows. #Monir El Shazly

Monir El Shazly

Inspired Being – Of knowing and understanding

“The more you #know, the less you #understand ” – #Lao_Tzu
Not only that the more you know, you will find there’s more to know..
But also you realize that somethings are better be enjoyed from a state of “being” without getting your mind to understand them. #Enjoy #being and let your #heart know. #Monir El Shazly

Inspired Being – On knowing yourself

“It is more important to know the #truth about one’s self than to try to find out the truth of #heaven and #hell” – #Inayat_Khan
Know yourself, its the doorway to #God!. And when you KNOW God, heaven and hell will not be your main concern. #Monir El Shazly

Inspired Being – On the journey

“لا يوجد فرق كبير بين الشرق و الغرب. الجنوب او الشمال. مهما كانت وجهتك، يجب ان تجعل رحلتك الي داخلك. فإذا سافرت في داخلك، فسيكون بوسعك اجتياز العالم الشاسع و ما وراءه” – شمس التبريزي
“There’s no much difference between East and West. North or South. Wherever you are heading, your journey has to be inwards!. Once your destination is inwards, then you will be able to cross the entire universe, and beyond!” – Shams Tabrizi

Know yourself! Then you will be able to know everything. Monir El Shazly

Inspired Being – Of knowledge, wisdom and freedom

“#Knowledge is learning something new every day.  #Wisdom is letting go of something that doesn’t serve you every day” ~#Zen Saying
Let go of all the the thoughts that weakens you.. #Free yourself. #Monir El Shazly

Inspired Being – Of wisdom, knowledge and strength

“One who understands others has #knowledge,
One who understand himself has #wisdom.
Mastering others requires force;
Mastering the self requires real #strength” – Lao Tzu – #Tao te Ching
You have been searching for the key? … look #inside. #Monir El Shazly