Tag Archives: miracles

Inspired Being – On judging

“Today I shall #judge nothing that occurs” – Course in #Miracles
Stop judging , #enjoy #BEING. #Monir El Shazly

Positive Vibe – On being at peace

“I can choose peace, rather than this” – A Course in Miracles
When you have the choice to be right, or to be kind … always choose kind. Monir El Shazly (inspired by Wayne Dyer)

Positive Vibe – On giving

“Protect the things you value the most by the act of giving them away” Course in Miracles
For it is only when you give, that you keep the flow moving. Monir El Shazly

Positive Vibe – On the “Impossible”

“Performing miracles isn’t a matter of doing the impossible, it’s a matter of redefining the possible” Anonymous
The “impossible” is nothing but the voice of your doubts getting too loud. Monir El Shazly