Tag Archives: universe

Inspired Being – On destiny

On destiny

“لا يعني #القدر أن حياتك محددة بقدر محتوم. لذلك فإن ترك كل شيء للقدر، وعدم المشاركة في عزف #موسيقى #الكون دليل على جهل مطلق.
ان موسيقي الكون تتألف من اربعين مستوي، و قدرك هو المستوي الذي ستعزف عليه لحنك… ربما لا تتمكن من تغيير الآله، ولكن اختيار اللحن و مدي براعتك في العزف هو امر متروك لك وحدك  ” – #شمس التبريزي

” #Destiny doesn’t mean that your #life has been strictly predetermined. Therefore to leave everything to fate and to not actively contribute to the music of the #universe is a sign of sheer ignorance.  The music of the universe is all pervading and it is composed on forty different levels. Your destiny is the level where you will play your tune. You might not #change your instrument but how well to play is entirely in your hands. ” – #Shams of Tabriz

Play your own #music.. celebrate your #life!. #Monir El Shazly

Monir El Shazly

Inspired Being – On the journey

“لا يوجد فرق كبير بين الشرق و الغرب. الجنوب او الشمال. مهما كانت وجهتك، يجب ان تجعل رحلتك الي داخلك. فإذا سافرت في داخلك، فسيكون بوسعك اجتياز العالم الشاسع و ما وراءه” – شمس التبريزي
“There’s no much difference between East and West. North or South. Wherever you are heading, your journey has to be inwards!. Once your destination is inwards, then you will be able to cross the entire universe, and beyond!” – Shams Tabrizi

Know yourself! Then you will be able to know everything. Monir El Shazly

Positive Vibe – On trust

“You are never alone or helpless. The force that guides the stars guides you too” – Shrii Anandamurti
Trust… let God handle the details. Monir El Shazly

Positive Vibe – Of you and your love

“You, yourself, as much as anyone in the entire universe, deserve your love, compassion and affection.” Buddha
Cherish your divinity! You are the creation of God. Monir El Shazly

Positive Vibe – on your music

“Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.” – Lao Tzu
Don’t let your music die. Monir El Shazly